SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 2018
- In today’s Gospel we read how the disciples who met Jesus on the road to Emmaus recognised Him at the breaking of the bread, and how the others were convinced of His Resurrection when He showed them His injured hands and feet, and ate grilled fish. As we rejoice in the Resurrection, we pray that our eyes too are opened to the wonderful unity which Jesus shares with us in the most Holy Eucharist.
We pray to the Lord R. Lord, hear our prayer
- We pray for non-believers and those who have lost faith in God, that as they journey through their daily lives they too may meet up with Jesus and have their eyes opened to the marvellous gifts that have been bestowed on us in life.
We pray to the Lord R. Lord, hear our prayer
- We pray for our church leaders, particularlly our bishops, that they show the courage and dedication of the apostles to the spreading of the good news of the Resurrection, and like Jesus embrace the marginalised and those who have suffered in the past from isolation and disrespect in the Church.
We pray to the Lord R. Lord, hear our prayer.
- We pray for those with responsibility for providing the best in healthcare for mothers and babies in our maternity hospitals that they be true to their vocation and promote respect for human life, including that of the unborn.
We pray to the Lord R. Lord, hear our prayer
- We pray today for our farmers and those affected by the adverse and wet weather over this years Spring. We pray to the Lord, King of the Universe and sole source of abundance, that He bless our farmers with sunshine and the strength to cultivate the soil, feed their animals and bring forth the fruits of the earth which He so generously bestows on us.
We pray to the Lord R. Lord, hear our prayer
- We pray for world leaders, particularly those in the United States, Russia, Iran and Syria that they reject the politics of hostility and work together for an end to hatred, an end to war, an end to hunger, that all God’s creation can live their lives in peace and harmony.
We pray to the Lord R. Lord, hear our prayer
- We bow our heads and remember in silence our own personal intentions and the intentions of those who have asked for our prayers.
We pray to the Lord R. Lord hear our prayer