2023 Synodal Synthesis Report – A Summary of Highlights

Nov 6, 2023 | 0 comments

Having  scanned the 41-page Synthesis from the Universal Synod that finished on Oct 29th 2023, ACI sees the selected list below as the most positive highlights.  We offer this list as a possible aid to local discussion of the much longer report itself.

 Part I – The Face of the Synodal Church

  • + Gathering in assembly at each level of ecclesiastical life.
  • + Finding ways to involve clergy more actively in synodal process.
  • Making spaces for young people to speak freely.
  • A revision of Canon Law is called for.
  • + Local church to equip itself with suitable people trained to facilitate processes of discernment.
  • Make liturgical language more accessible to the faithful.
  • Wider community prayer beyond the celebration of the Mass.
  • Make Church social doctrine more known. Promote stronger orientation towards services to those who are poor.
  • Call for better knowledge of teachings of Vatican II.

Part II –  All Disciples, All Missionaries

  • Establish ministries with involvement of the young.
  • Consider appropriate moments of acknowledgement by community of lay charisms.
  • + Ensure that women can participate in decision making processes.
  • Research on access of women to the diaconate to be continued.
  • Women to receive appropriate formation to enable them to be judges in all canonical processes.
  • Consider possibility of re-inserting priests who have left ministry in pastoral services that recognise their formation and experience.
  • + Make Episcopal Councils, Diocesan Pastoral Councils and Parish Pastoral Councils mandatory.
  • + The relationship of the Bishop of Rome and the Roman Curia to be revised.

Part III – Weaving Bonds, Building Communities

  • Provide programmes designed for joint formation of entire People of God (laity, & ordained).
  • + Members of the People of God, particularly women, to be represented in formation programmes for ordained ministeries. 
  • Candidates for ordination should have experience of life in Christian communities.
  • + Ensure that the formation of priests is in a style appropriate to a synodal Church.
  • What would need to change in order for those who feel excluded to experience the Church as more welcoming?



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