A Lenten Reflection – Saturday 6 April 2019

Mar 1, 2019 | 0 comments

The Grace of Transformation

A Lenten Reflection – Saturday 6 April 2019
Sisters of Charity, St Mary’s Church,
Merrion Rd, Dublin 4

A day of reflection on the mystery of transformation at work in the Universe story and in our Christian journey from ashes to alleluia!

Facilitated by Monica Brown and Hilary Musgrave.

Monica and Hilary will provide participants with an opportunity to reflect on
the scripture imagery and themes of this Lenten season, enlightened and enriched by the mysteries at work in the Universe Story. Through imagery, ritual prayer and music, participants with be drawn into a prayerful space to ponder the grace of transformation at the heart of the Paschal Mystery and its meaning in our own journey.

Bookings are essential.
Please contact Emmaus Productions at
emmausireland@emmausproductions.com or phone 01) 442 9618
Fee: €25
10:30 am morning tea and registration for 11.00 am start. Concluding 4.00 pm.
BYO lunch


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