ACI North Wicklow – Minutes for 12th Nov, 2014

Dec 4, 2014 | 0 comments


The meeting opened with a warm welcome to Fr Larry Behan, Moderator for the Bray and Enniskerry parishes .

Eucharist Celebration

Fr Larry celebrated a Eucharist service with us. Teresa and Eimear had prepared a Mass leaflet for the occasion. The theme was Celebration of Christian Service. It was very participative with appropriate readings, specially selected music for voice and flute. Fr Larry’s homily was on the theme of the Gospel, highlighting the two greatest commandments of love of God and neighbour. Eucharist was shared under both species. The leaflet for the Mass is available for anyone who wants to use it in the future.

The Mass was followed by a generous treat of both Fr Larry’s and Eimear’s superb cake baking – a major upgrade on our normal dry biscuits!

Synod Outcomes

There was a short discussion on the outcome of the recent Extraordinary Synod on the Family. It was noted that:

  • A genuine discussion had taken place –Pope exhorted participants to the process to “say what you think”.
  • There was a focus on many of the real problems of marriage and the family.
  • There was listening –a particular tone set by Pope Francis.
  • The Pope has by his example indicated to the hierarchy that they should moderate their display of power as he has done
  • There is a year to prepare for the Ordinary Synod and a new consultative process is hoped for

Next Meeting

It was agreed to invite Aideen Darcy to the December meeting. Aideen has recently been appointed Pastoral Co-ordinator for the 8 churches in the Bray Enniskerry area and has a background in Faith Formation.

Date of next meeting

Wednesday 14 January 2015 at 7.30 p.m.


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