Adult Faith Series @ Gardiner St, Dublin 1

Jan 29, 2014 | 0 comments

The Annual Adult Faith series of talks at St. Francis Xavier Church, Gardiner St, Dublin 1
Every Tuesday at 7.30 p.m.

Breda O'Brien speaks on February 11th.

Breda O’Brien speaks on February 11th.

4th  Michael Paul Gallagher SJ 

Pope Francis: A new Tone – Jesuit echoes –   Fr Michael Paul works in the Gregorian University, Rome and author of many books in the area of faith and culture.

11th Breda O’Brien. 
Pope Francis: A New springtime for the Church?
Breda    – teacher, wife and mother, speaker, columnist (including Irish times and Irish Catholic).


Ger Gallagher speaks on February 25th.

Ger Gallagher speaks on February 25th.

18th Donal Dorr SPS:
Pope Francis : A social Vision.  Fr Donal is a Kiltegan Father, has worked on the missions and written much in the past and recently on social and cultural issues.

25th Gerard Gallagher:
Pope Francis – a Model for youth ministry – from Street Preacher to Apostolic Fervour!  Gerard. Husband  and father, has worked in Youth Ministry for many years, active with WYD, and is youth office and  is on the staff of the Office of Evangelisation in Dublin Diocese.
For more information contact Gardiner st. Parish office  on 01 8363411 or click on 



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