All Hallows: Spring Talks 2015

Jan 22, 2015 | 0 comments


All Hallows College invites you to the Spring Series of Public Talks

Theme: – Reading the Signs of the Times:  Urgent Questions for the Church Today

Dates: Wednesday evenings in March: March 4th,11th, 18th, & 25th.
Time: 7.30p.m – 9.00p.m
Venue: Woodlock Hall, All Hallows College.
Cost: €10 per talk or €30 for all four talks. Pay at the door. Pre-booking is recommended.
Email: Website:
Phone. 01 8520742

Wednesday 4th. March. The Synod on the Family: What Can We Expect?
Speaker: Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, DD., Vice-President, Irish Bishop’s Conference
Archbishop Martin attended the first stage of the Synod on The Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelisation at the Vatican in October 2014.

Wednesday 11th March. Women in the Church: Is this the Elephant in the Room?
Speaker: Prof. Mary T. Malone, PhD
Author of a trilogy on Women in Christianity (Columba Press, 2001, 2002, 2003) and
The Elephant in the Church: A Woman’s Tract for Our Times (Columba Press, 2012)

Wednesday 18th March. ‘A Poor Church for the Poor’: What is our Call/ Response?
Speaker: Fr. Peter Mc Verry,SJ. founder of the Peter Mc Verry Trust for the homeless.
Author of Jesus Social Revolutionary? (Veritas, 2008)

Wednesday 25th. March. Faith, Ecology and Climate Change: The Challenge for the Church?
Speaker: Br. Anthony Mark McDonnell, CFC, D.Ed
Scientist and lecturer at An Tairseach, Dominican Ecology Centre, Wicklow.

Each talk will be followed by a brief discussion with time for questions and comments.


Spring Series 2015 Details A5 flyer :  download an A5 flyer for the series (pdf).

Spring Series 2015 A4 Poster:  download an A4 poster (pdf).

Suggested Notice for Parish Newsletter:  download a description suitable for a parish newsletter  (MS Word)


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