So Archbishop Eamon Martin told philosophy and theology graduates at Maynooth University on November 6th, 2021.
“Intergenerational solidarity is therefore ‘not optional, but rather a basic question of justice’, he said.
”We all share responsibility for the problems facing our world, but equally, we share responsibility for finding the solutions. Each one of must accept our personal and collective need to change and make sacrifices, recognising the inherent issues of justice and fairness that are involved, and realising, as Pope Francis says, that ‘the cry of the earth’ is especially ‘the cry of the poor’. Climate change is already having a disproportionate impact on those who are on the margins, those most dependent on fragile ecosystems and most vulnerable to famine, to drought, to food and water insecurity and conflict, to exploitative and ‘predatory economic interests’, to the destruction of their homes and displacement of their families.”
To read the archbishop’s complete address, click here.