Survey Results will not be Published says Irish Bishops

The Association of Catholic Priests regrets the Irish Bishops’ decision not to make public the results of the consultation they have conducted with the Irish people on the Vatican questionnaire (Irish Catholic, 13 February). Their statement that the results of...

Towards a National Conversation

  ‘To dialogue means to believe that the “other” has something worthwhile to say, and to entertain his or her point of view and perspective. Engaging in dialogue does not mean renouncing our own ideas and traditions, but the claim...
ACI Dublin South: Meeting Minutes

ACI Dublin South: Meeting Minutes

As many of our members have started setting up ACI branches around the country, we publish here a report from the recent ACI Dublin South meeting held in Kimmage Manor Parish Hall on Tuesday 22nd last. This may give you, some of our members, inspiration on what an ACI...
Hope for the Future of the Church

Hope for the Future of the Church

The Annual All Hallows College Spring Series of Lectures continues on Tuesdays through March and features known speakers, many of them ACI members, on the theme of our hope for a new church. D0wnload All Hallows Spring Series Details  
Day of Faith @ The Priory Institute, Tallaght

Day of Faith @ The Priory Institute, Tallaght

On Saturday 8th March 2014 there will be a DAY OF FAITH at The Priory Institute in Tallaght. The topic of this day of Faith is: THE ROLE OF THE (IRISH) LAITY IN THE LIGHT OF VATICAN II. Bishop Donal Murray will be the keynote speaker. Afterwards, there will be four...

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