Pope Francis Affirms Equality of Common Priesthood

Pope Francis Affirms Equality of Common Priesthood

In a statement permitting further study of the question of ordaining women to the sacramental priesthood, Pope Francis has insisted on the equal importance of the common priesthood of the faithful, the ‘priesthood of all believers’. He has also given a...
Dubians Strike Again

Dubians Strike Again

Five cardinals with doubts about the synodal direction of Pope Francis have reinforced their misgivings with five further ‘dubia’, the Latin for ‘doubts’.  These are expressed as questions to which they have requested answers that are...
‘Mere Condemnation Spreads Error’: New DDF Head

‘Mere Condemnation Spreads Error’: New DDF Head

“Heresies have been eradicated better and faster when there has been proper theological investigation, whereas, when we have been limited to condemnations, those errors have spread and become entrenched.” So states Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernandez,...

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