David Timbs of Australia – Advice for ACI May 20 2021

May 20, 2021 | 0 comments

ACI Zoom Events

In preparation for Ireland’s five-year synodal journey towards an assembly of the Catholic Church the ACI Steering Group is arranging a series of online discussions, led by personalities who are already thoughtful about ‘walking together’ towards a co-responsible church.  

The first of these took place on Zoom on:

Thursday 20th May, at 8.00 p.m. (London)

led by 

David Timbs 

(Catholics for Renewal – Australia)

David outlines his hopes and fears for Australia’s own imminent ‘Plenary Council’ of the Catholic Church here.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 858 7277 9921
Passcode: 916970

Are you ready for ‘walking together’?

On March 10th 2021 Ireland’s Catholic Bishops announced their intention to lead the Irish Church on a ‘synodal pathwaytowards a national assembly of the Irish Catholic Church ‘within the next five years’.

As a first step they ask members of the church to tell them by May 23rd, 2021 (Pentecost) what ‘process of listening’ they would prefer, to start out on this ‘synodal pathway’.  (For example: focus groups, parish or diocesan meetings, deep-listening sessions, written submissions.) They provide a page on the website of their conference for responses on this, not exceeding 300 words.

ACI members are urged to participate, right away, in alerting family and friends to what could be a new chapter in the history of their church – if ‘deep listening’ (especially to the alienated) is truly on offer. Make sure to submit your own preference for a listening process to the ICBC page by May 23rd – and tune in to ongoing ACI discussion on our Website or Facebook Page.

The ACI Steering Group is grateful to members who have forwarded their annual subscriptions during the pandemic. Help on how to do this is available here.


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