International Women’s Day

Feb 25, 2019 | 0 comments

Exploring Women’s Christianity  – Join us on International Women’s Day for the launch of the revised edition of Mary T. Malone’s book Elephant in the Church and a discussion on female Christianity.

FRIDAY MARCH 8TH 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Avila Carmelite Centre,

Bloomfield Avenue, Dublin 4.


Mary T. Malone

Theologian, Author, Professor

Dr Sharon Tighe-Mooney

Lecturer, Researcher and Author of What About Me? Women and the Catholic Church.

Angela Hanley

Author & Researcher

Ursula Halligan

Former political editor of TV3, Journalist in Residence at DCU

Tickets available on
or give us a call on +353 (0) 1 687 4096

€20 Limited places –
Booking is essential – Includes tea and coffee.


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