Survey Results will not be Published says Irish Bishops

Feb 17, 2014 | 6 comments

The Association of Catholic Priests regrets the Irish Bishops’ decision not to make public the results of the consultation they have conducted with the Irish people on the Vatican questionnaire (Irish Catholic, 13 February).

Their statement that the results of the survey are ‘a matter for the Synod of Bishops and not for the local Church’ is contrary to the openness that Pope Francis is encouraging at all levels in the Church.

Click here to read the full article on and on


BIshops meeting at the Columba Centre, Maynooth


  1. bernard law

    That just means you are hiding the truth.

    People can now communicate on the Internet, and pass information whether you like it or not. According to the 60 Minutes TV show, many Catholic churches are 98% empty because of the rampant child sex abuse that was hidden by the Catholic church.

    Jesus wouldn’t have done it, wouldn’t have hidden it, and wouldn’t have hidden the truth about it, so how do you expect people to believe that the Catholic church is the Church Of Jesus Christ?

    Please give an honest answer.

  2. Martin Murray

    Seems we can’t be trusted with our own views (if they are our views). The co-responsibility thing didn’t last too long.

  3. soconaill

    We can only surmise that the Irish bishops are ashamed of feedback that proves their abysmal failure as teachers – over half-a-century. When will they admit that there is no such thing as teaching-by-monologue – and face the consequences of that conclusion? As things stand they remind me of those broken down vehicles that sometimes block the Westlink.

    • maryanne

      Interesting article Mary. It would be good to see the results of the survey done in Germany and Switzerland and discuss whether the Irish results would be similar.

  4. David Walsh

    Should we be suspicious? How will we know if the results are sent on unedited???


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