Ordination of married men would cause other major changes within the church

Nov 6, 2015 | 0 comments

Source: Joan Chittister  
National Catholic Reporter


Quotes from article:-

“The question of the theology of ordination to the priesthood just isn’t going to go away.  First, in a meeting with Italian priests in Rome in February, the pope, they tell us, said that he is going to put the topic of the ordination of married men “into his diary.”


“how many conferences for how many years do you think a male priest could come home at night, throw his briefcase on the desk and say victoriously to his wife and daughters one more time, “Well, I voted against all of you again.” Shouts of joy. Applause. Triumph?  Or maybe silence and cold mashed potatoes.”


” I am convinced that until the women’s question is addressed in the church, the numbers will continue to decline, and the church will fail in the 21st century. I would hate to give the opposition time to organize against married priests in order to block the sight of women in church rectories. If Christianity is ever to be Christianity again we simply must admit that women are also full human beings and disciples of Jesus.”

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About Joan Chittister



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