‘Parents the Primary Teachers and Leaders’: Archbishop Eamon Martin

Sep 26, 2020 | 0 comments

Archbishop Eamon Martin, Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland has called for a Family Rosary Crusade against Covid-19 during the month of October.

“I invite families all over Ireland to pray the Rosary together at home each day for God’s protection during this time of Coronavirus.

“These past six months have reminded us of the importance of the “domestic Church” – the Church of the sitting room and kitchen – the Church that meets every time a family stands or kneels down, or sits down to pray together!

“It has also helped us realise how important is the vocation of parents to be the primary teachers and leaders of their children in faith and prayer.”

“That is why I am calling for a ‘Family Rosary Crusade against Covid-19‘ during October – encouraging you to pray the Rosary, or even a decade of the Rosary, each day during the month of October. Pray for your own family and loved ones and for all those whose health or livelihood is being seriously impacted by the coronavirus crisis.”

Archbishop Eamon is also inviting families to spread the word online. He said, “Using the #FamilyRosaryCrusade or #OctoberFamilyRosary hashtags please feel free to share a picture or a short sound clip of your family saying a “Hail Mary”, “Our Father” or “Glory Be!” on social media.”

The Archbishop’s call echoes that of Pope Francis to all families at the final Mass of the World Meeting of Families in Dublin in 2018:

“Each new day in the life of our families, and each new generation, brings the promise of a new Pentecost, a domestic Pentecost, a fresh outpouring of the Spirit, the Paraclete, whom Jesus sends as our Advocate, our Consoler and indeed our Encourager.”


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