Please Sign Third letter to Pope Francis (CCR)

Feb 3, 2014 | 0 comments

January 31, 2014

Catholic Church Reform 04

To supporters of Catholic Church Reform:

 A Gathering/Synod of the Faithful to be held in Rome

CCR’s Advisory Group is proposing to hold a meeting in Rome October 2 and 3, two days prior to the start of the Extraordinary Synod called by Pope Francis. The intent is to gather there to show our support for Pope Francis and encourage him to continue to move forward to bring renewal to our Church. Father Gaston Roberge, S.J., a CCR consultor, theologian, and film scholar from Kolkata, India reminds us that “Alone, the pope cannot change the world. A pope for the people must have a people for the pope.” Our gathering in Rome provides us with a means of being with Pope Francis.

Preparing for this event will be our focus for the coming year. This is a huge undertaking and we cannot do this alone. We need to work with other reformers and reform groups to bring this about.

 If you would please take the time now to click on our survey and let us know your candid opinions: We ask you to seriously consider joining with us in this effort and letting us know in what way(s) you would be willing to work with us. Neither the pope nor any one organization can bring about reform of our Church. It takes all of us working together in unity to accomplish this.

Signing of our third letter to Pope Francis will close on February 7

If ever we need to be united and speaking with one very strong and clear voice, it is now. Pope Francis has indicated he wants to hear from us and it is important that we share our views with him. We have until February 7th to collect signatures. This letter will be delivered to Pope Francis and his Council just prior to the start of their February 17 meeting. This letter lays the foundation for our next steps as a united network – what will be the most momentous and relevant steps yet. Please read the letter and, if you agree, join us in signing and supporting its message:


Results of responses to Reforms Needed

Since last June, many of you have been submitting your views on needed reforms in our Church.
Here are the results to date:

Out of 2340 who took the time to complete this survey:

81% (1904 individuals) support reform on the church’s teaching on divorce

84% (1984 individuals) support reform on the church’s teaching on birth control

86% (2016 individuals)  support reform on the church’s stance on the role of women

82 % (1935 individuals) support reform on the church’s stance on alternate lifestyles

82% (1935 individuals) support the need for the church to exert disciplinary action on those who perpetrated and covered up the sexual abuse scandal.

84% (1983 individuals) support reform on the church’s stance on optional celibacy

 Thank you for being a part of our reform movement. Now, more than ever, we need your help and participation in our next steps to bring about reform in our Church. 



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