Prayers for Easter Saturday / Sunday 1,2-04-2018

Apr 1, 2018 | 0 comments



As we celebrate the Resurrection of Christ, let us remember the true meanings of this great Feastday.  The response to each prayer is “Lord, hear our Prayer”.


  • Easter is Light – – May each of us carry the Light of Easter in our homes, communities and the wider world.


We pray to the Lord                        R. Lord hear our prayer

  • Easter is Hope – – Our hope is in the Risen Christ.  May we recognise that He is with us in all our daily tasks.


We pray to the Lord                        R. Lord hear our prayer

  • Easter is Commitment – – For the newly baptised and for all of us who renewed our Baptismal promises, we pray to the Lord that He give us the grace to strengthen our commitment to Him  and the faith we profess.

We pray to the Lord                        R. Lord hear our prayer

  • Easter is the Gift of Life; In rising from the dead, Jesus has given us life. We pray that, in our country,  God’s gift of life be treasured by all and that all human life, from conception to natural death, be respected and protected.


We pray to the  Lord                        R. Lord, hear our prayer.


  • Easter is Joy – Lord, fill us with your joy and help us to share this Easter celebration with all we meet. To all those in our congregation and to all who share our faith in the Resurrection throughout the world, we wish the happiness of Easter.

We pray to the Lord                        R. Lord hear our prayer

  • We remember in silence our own particular needs and those of our families, friends and neighbours.

We pray to the Lord                        R. Lord hear our prayer


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