Prayers – Sunday 29-04-2018

Apr 29, 2018 | 0 comments


SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 2018

  • In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus tells  us that  He is the vine, we are the branches and without Him we cannot bear fruit.  We pray for the grace to remain always close to Him, through prayer and love of neighbour, so that our lives be fruitful and bring glory to the Father who created and loves us.

We pray to the Lord               R. Lord hear our prayer

  • In today’s Second reading we see how Paul, the merciless and ruthless persecutor of the early Christians, was forgiven and inspired to be  a disciple by our Father who has an unlimited love for all of us.  With this confidence, we ask the Lord to forgive us our transgressions and give us the grace to be worthy of His love.

We pray to the Lord               R. Lord hear our prayer

  • We pray for all who promote the word and love of the Lord in our Church.  We pray that  seeds be sown in our community which will bear fruit and bring new shepherds into our Church to tend to God’s flock.

We pray to the Lord               R. Lord hear our prayer

  • At this important time in the life of our country we pray for the unborn.  We pray, Lord, that You enlighten our minds to an awareness and renewed conviction that all human life is sacred because it is created in Your image and likeness.

We pray to the Lord               R. Lord hear our prayer.

  • We bow our heads and remember in silence our own personal intentions and the intentions of those who have asked for our prayers.

We pray to the Lord               R. Lord hear our prayer






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