Prayers – Sunday 08-04-2018

Apr 8, 2018 | 0 comments




In today’s Gospel, we read how Thomas doubted the resurrection of the Lord until he himself could see the wounds in his hands and side. We pray to our Father in heaven that he bless us with faith and that we, without seeing Jesus’s wounds, would be firm in our belief and loyalty to Him.

We pray to the Lord                                        R. Lord, hear our prayer


On today, Divine Mercy Sunday, let us renew our commitment to compassion, love, mercy and forgiveness in all our dealings with our family, neighbours and particularly those who may have injured or offended us in the past.

We pray to the Lord                                        R. Lord, hear our prayer


As we continue to rejoice in the Risen Lord, we pray that our family homes will be places where we experience healing, peace and forgiveness.

We pray to the Lord                                      R. Lord, hear our prayer.


We pray for our young people that they reap the positive benefits of social media while treating their fellow brothers and sisters with the respect and love which Christ has shown to us in His mission on earth.


We pray to the Lord                                        R. Lord, hear our prayer


During this Organ Donation Awareness Week, we pray to the Risen Christ for those  awaiting transplants that their hopes for a new life will be fulfilled with success. We pray also for donors, for their generosity in offering a chance of health and even of life itself to the sick who sometimes have no  other hope.


We pray to the Lord                                        R. Lord, hear our prayer


We bow our heads and remember in silence our own personal intentions and the intentions of those who have asked for our prayers.

We pray to the Lord                        R. Lord hear our prayer



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