Priorities for the ACI by Séan Ó Conaill [29th July]

Jul 29, 2013 | 1 comment

‘If the programme for this pontificate is to release the Catholic Church from ‘self-referentiality’ and narcissism, how best could the ACI respond? Is our own published statement of objectives in any way vulnerable to a charge of ecclesiastical narcissism – focused mainly as it is upon internal church reforms that members prioritise?’

Séan  Ó Conaill, a recognised writer and contributor to Catholic publications such as the Reality, the Furrow and the ACP website and also a founder member of VOTFI  offer some thoughts to the budding ACI organisation. 

Click Here to Download Priorities for the ACI

1 Comment

  1. Darlene Starrs

    I do not believe it is reverential…however, Ireland, now finds itself in a position where people are focussed on their security…liken to the hierarchy of needs…and when that happens, people will not be interested in the higher needs of self-actualization or indeed, what happens to the Roman Catholic Church


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