ACI Survey on Family and Marriage Results

Jan 29, 2014 | 1 comment

Last December and January ACI invited members and interested parties the opportunity to contribute their opinions on key issues within our Church relating to marriage and family. The results of this survey have now been analysed and are presented in this report.  

As you may already know, the questionnaire contained many open-ended questions so that individuals would have the ability to provide more than ‘tick-box’ replies. They could expand their answers and provide fuller explanations of their views and help to inform the Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in 2014. In order to report on these questions and maintain confidentiality for those responding, the individual replies and comments of each respondent, were anonymized, compiled and placed in an Appendix. This separate Appendix accompanied the report which was sent to the Secretary to the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference and Archbishop Lorenzo Baldisseri, Secretary to the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the Family at the Vatican (October 2014). In this way, the opinions of each respondent were presented.

Click here to download and read ACI Survey Results for Synod of Bishops 2014

1 Comment

  1. Noel McCann

    Receipt of the ACI report on the Vatican Survey on the Family and the associated appendix was acknowledged by Bishop Kieran O’Reilly,Secretary, Irish Episcopal Conference on the 11th February 2014. Bishop O’Reilly confirmed that the material has been forwarded to the office of the Synod of Bishops in Rome.
    Sincere thanks to all who took time to complete the survey.


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