Apr 17, 2018 | 2 comments

“A big Thank You to our members and others who supported our ‘Future Families’ event on Saturday April 14th through their attendance or by sending donations to help defray the cost of the day. We could not have done it without you.

A full report of the discussions and the recommendations, which will be sent to Pope Francis and to the WMOF, will be available on the ACI website soon.” (ACI Steering Group)


  1. Gerald donnelly

    Great and enjoyable morning and great to hear such diverse views on our beloved Church. A learning curve for all. Could you repeat the email address for people who did not air all their views as there was so many tables to cover? Best wishes.

  2. Noel McCann

    Many thanks, Gerald, for your positive response and for your support for the event.

    It was a very productive day. It was really moving to listen to the profound life stories and experiences of people so committed to our church.

    The ACI email address is


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