The Role of Church in a Pluralist Society: Good Riddance or Good Influence? June 22nd-24th 2016

Jun 9, 2016 | 1 comment

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Dr Con Casey was interviewed on RTE Radio 1  Extra  programme Sunday Spirit (29th May 2016) about the thinking behind this forthcoming conference in Trinity College on June 22nd – 24th 2016.
Listen back here  The interview is 18 minutes into the program.

Dr Casey also has an article outlining the purpose of the conference in the Irish Catholic of 9th June, 2016 – ‘What exactly do we mean by a ‘pluralist society‘?

This conference is for all who are concerned about the role of the Church as we move forward into the twenty-first century.

Full details  on conference  here


1 Comment

  1. soconaill

    Were I more confident of my health I wouldn’t be missing this – if only to hear William T. Cavanaugh on Thursday June 23rd (on the church in a consumer society). But the entire programme looks great – exactly what is needed just now.


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