Wish to be a Member of the ACI Steering Group?

May 27, 2013 | 0 comments

Five of the eight current Steering Group members have indicated a wish to ‘step down’ following the meeting on June 1st. If you feel that you could have a lot to offer the future of the reform and renewal movement in Ireland now is the time to ‘step up!’

Three members have indicated that they will be available to continue to serve on the Steering Group for another year. Of the five who plan to ‘step down’ three represent existing Reform Groups – ‘We are Church’, ‘Pobal De’ and ‘Voice of the Faithful’.

At the meeting on June 1st the Steering Group intends to seek approval for the following proposals:

1.In keeping with the procedure agreed at the All Hallows meeting on May 20th 2012 it is proposed to request We are Church, Pobal Dé and Voice of the Faithful to nominate replacements for the three Steering Group members ‘stepping down’.

2. In the interest of continuity it is proposed to seek approval for three existing Steering Group members (Patricia Higgins, Cathy Molloy and Noel McCann) to serve for another year.

3. In addition to the three new members (‘Group Representatives) appointed under proposal 1 above it is intended to seek nominations for another two new members to join the Steering Group. If more than two nominations are received a ballot will be held to elect two new members – please see section on ‘Election Procedures’ below.

Steering Group Commitments

The following may be helpful to individuals considering putting their names forward for election to the Steering Group. The Steering Group meets formally at least once a month. In addition informal meeting are scheduled as necessary to address issues of importance as they arise. Steering Group members also work between meetings on matters related to the website, forthcoming events, responding to members queries, etc. It is anticipated that the Steering Group will also have to undertake media commitments once the ACI is formally launched.

Individuals who intend seeking election to the Steering Group are requested to advise the existing Steering Group on arrival at the Clarion Hotel on Saturday or, if possible, in advance by email to  info@acireland.ie


ACI Steering Group – Procedure for Electing Members 

  • The list of candidates will be confirmed by the Steering Group.
  • If there are more candidates than the number of vacancies arising then a ballot will be held to elect the required number of new Steering Group members.
  • All members of the ACI in attendance may vote in the election. Members will be presented with a voting paper containing a full list of candidates. Members may vote for all or any candidate(s).
  • ACI members in attendance will be invited to act as ‘Tellers’. The tellers will be responsible for over-seeing the election process and confirming the result to the meeting.
  • The required number of candidates receiving the most votes will be deemed elected to fill the vacancies on the Steering Group.
  • A Lay Group may be represented by one member on the Steering Group only. Where more than one individual from a Lay Group participates in the ballot the candidate receiving the most votes will be deemed to be the candidate representing that particular Lay Group.
  • Where two candidates receive the same number of votes for the final vacancy both candidates will be deemed elected to the Steering Group unless one of the candidates opts to withdraw from the process. If the two candidates concerned are from the same Lay Group the Group in question will decide which candidate will represent the Group on the Steering Group.
  • On completion of the count the names of the successful candidates will be announced in alphabetical order by the spokesperson appointed by the ‘Tellers’. The number of votes cast for each successful candidate will not be divulged.
  • The successful candidates will assume their position on the Steering Group at the first Steering Group meeting following their election.


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