‘It makes me cringe:’ NCR’s Frank Maurovich tells a personal story on the 45th anniversary of Humanae Vitae [29th July]

Jul 29, 2013 | 0 comments

‘For the faithful it [birth control] is a sad and agonizing issue, for there is a cleavage between the official teaching of the Church and the contrary practice in most families’ – Former Patriarch Maximos IV Saigh of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church quoted in What Happened at Vatican II, by John W. O’Malley.

Frank Maurovich opens his recent article on the National Catholic Reporter website (www.ncronline.org) with this quote. In the article he unpacks the fall out from the controversial encyclical Humanae Vitae and hopes that the birth control debacle can be resolved in our lifetime. 

Click here to read the entire article. Photo a Shutterstock image.



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