ACI Belfast: catholic conversations: Sat 23rd May 2015

May 20, 2015 | 2 comments


What is the Emerging Church?’
Video and Conversation

Venue: Shalom House, 12 Cliftonville Road, Belfast, BT14 6JX
Date: Saturday 23rd May 2015
Time: 10-30am until 2-00pm.
Cost: A voluntary donation on the day to cover expenses would be appreciated

Registration:  It would be helpful, for organisational and catering purposes if you could indicate by email your intention to attend this event.  However you can also register on the day.  Please send your email to local ACI Belfast co-ordinator,


“What is the Emerging Church?”

We live in a turbulent and difficult time for the church.  Many worry for their families and wonder will faith remain an integral part of their lives in the future.  So has the Holy Spirit gone on holiday or is that Spirit doing, as someone has said, ‘a new thing with the ancient story’?   Franciscan Fr Richard Rohr is in no doubt that we are experiencing ‘An exciting new beginning’.  Some are calling it the ‘The Emerging Church’.  It would seem that whatever name we give it, something very new is happening.  The Holy Spirit is alive and active in our post-modern world.

ACI Belfast has had two meetings to date; one last December and one in February at which invited speakers envisioned those attending with their perspective on Catholic Church reform and renewal issues.

This time around the meeting will use video (by Fr Richard Rohr) and conversation to ask and explore the question, “What is the Emerging Church?”.  It is hoped this will be the first of many occasional ‘catholic conversations’ on topics that are fresh, adventurous, contemporary and relevant to life, faith and church in the 21st century.

ACI Belfast wish to stress that these are ‘catholic conversations’ spelt with a small ‘c’, to illustrate an emphasis on inclusivity.  That means everyone is welcome; those who go to church (any church) and those who don’t; and those who call themselves ‘believers’ and those who don’t.  Every person’s insight and life experience will be valued.  That’s what being ‘catholic’ should mean.

Time will also be given to discussing the way forward for ACI Belfast.

As before the event will begin with coffee/tea and hopefully scones from 10-30am until 11am.  Please bring a packed lunch if you feel you need it.  There are also shops nearby where snacks can be purchased.

catholic conversations_poster_for web 600a
  Click here to download  A4 Poster

See also:-  


  1. Mary Vallely

    Thank you to Martin Murray for the superb organisation, your loving commitment and the skilled way in which you handled this conversation on Saturday. We all need a safe place in which to explore and Shalom House was an excellent venue. (Fr) Richard Rohr is certainly challenging! I’m still mulling over so much… our preoccupation with the container rather than the content… anonymous Christians… the importance of gathering with others to deepen, broaden, critique… I really enjoyed the day and meeting other exploring spirits so sincere thanks, Martin. Much appreciated. 🙂

    • MartinM

      Thanks Mary. It took everyone’s engagement to make it it the day it was. The Spirit is gently building something quite beautiful in our ACI gatherings to date. And thanks for coming all the way from Armagh. There is no reason why, with a little imagination, these conversations cannot break out across the country as an indispensable precursor to the change we so badly need within the Church.


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