ACI Dublin South: Meeting Minutes February 2014

Mar 8, 2014 | 1 comment

Kimmage Parish Church

Church of the Holy Spirit, Kimmage Parish Church

A report from the latest ACI Dublin South meeting held on Tuesday 25th February 2014. This may give you, some of our members, inspiration on what an ACI branch meeting can look like. Thank you to our members from ACI Dublin South for providing this report. Indeed if you are interested in joining the group, their next meeting is on Tuesday March 25th 2014.

Report on February 2014 ACI Dub South Meeting

Cover photo of a view from Dublin South from 

1 Comment

  1. Jo O'Sullivan

    Just to confirm, the date and time of our next meeting is Tuesday, March 25 from 7.30 till 9.00pm.

    Thank you, Teresa, for the comprehensive report on our last meeting.


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