ACI WMOF EVENT – April 14th, 2018

Mar 15, 2018 | 2 comments


To: ACI Members and Supporters.

You are all, no doubt, aware of the plans for the World Meeting of Families (WMOF) in Dublin in August 2018, which will include a visit by Pope Francis.

The WMOF, held every three years, is a major international event that brings together families from across the world – to celebrate, pray, and reflect upon the central importance of the family as the cornerstone of our lives, of society and of the Church.

This event coincides with a most serious generational divide in the Irish Church, as younger people increasingly walk away from the model of church their parents or grandparents grew up with. The WMOF is a prime opportunity to examine the realities of family life in Ireland to-day, particularly for those who feel abandoned by or alienated from the Church because of their circumstances.

The ACI strongly supports Pope Francis in his desire to make the WMOF an inclusive occasion, open to all.
The ACI strongly supports Pope Francis in his desire to make the WMOF an inclusive occasion, open to all. Everyone who supports this approach will be concerned by recent interventions by some conservative elements in the church who appear ready to obstruct the inclusive and compassionate approach advocated by Pope Francis. We must act to ensure that those in our church and our society who feel marginalised and unwanted have a forum where they can articulate their particular concerns and describe the realities of life for their families in Ireland today — a forum where they can speak freely, knowing that they will be heard with compassion and respect. We are therefore now therefore completing arrangements for the following event:

‘Future Families: Challenges for Faith and Society’

In preparation for World Meeting of Families [WMOF] 2018

Update on event – Saturday 14th April 2018

Venue – Hilton Hotel, Charlemont Place, Dublin 2.
Accessible by Luas and bus.
LUAS Green Line to Charlemont Station.
Bus – 122, 16, 15, 83 to Camden Street or Richmond Hill (Portabello).
Parking – Hotel underground car park: €3.50 per hour or concession €12.50 for day for delegates.


11.00 – Welcome & Opening address
11. 10 – 12.00 – Short presentations by speakers representing organisations working with people who are separated or divorced, victims of sexual abuse, the homeless, young people, members of the LGBT community and their families.
12.00 – Facilitated Group Discussions on the key themes identified during the presentations and related topics.
13.00 – Lunch
14.00 – Facilitated Group Discussions Continue.
15.00 – Q & A
15.30 – Closing Remarks
There is no need to register in advance.

Meeting Report

We have engaged a professional facilitator to manage the open discussions which will follow the individual speakers and to prepare a comprehensive report on the proceedings. A copy of this report will be submitted to the WMOF organising committee.  (July 2018 – This report can now be found here.)


On behalf of the Steering Group we are again appealing to members and friends of the ACI to support this event through your attendance on the day, if possible. We would also encourage you to publicise the event in your local parish and community. Full details will be available on this website soon.

Organising and promoting this event involves significant expenditure so we are also appealing for financial support. If you cannot attend the event please consider making a modest donation towards meeting the costs involved. Donations may be forwarded to the address below or made ‘online’ via – please ‘click’ on the ‘Donate’ button at the bottom right of the Home Page.

Address for donations by post:

Association of Catholics in Ireland, C/O 41 Woodcliffe Village, Howth, Co Dublin.

If you have any comments or questions on this event or on any ACI related matter please contact the Steering Group via

Yours sincerely,

Anthony Neville
Chair – Steering Group
Association of Catholics in Ireland

Fr John Collins of St James’s Church in Dublin welcomes news of this ACI event – speaking on RTE’s ‘News at One’ on Wednesday March 21st, 2018.


  1. Mary Vallely

    I am delighted to hear about this event and well done to the Core Group of ACI for this initiative. A forum for the many who feel shut out from this WMOF, a place where people feel safe to share their views, to bond with others who also feel marginalised or voiceless is desperately needed. Unfortunately I am unable to attend in person due to post- surgery recuperation but have sent a donation. Look forward to hearing positive reports after the event. Bail ó Dhia ar an obair agus maith sibh!

  2. Colm Holmes

    I totally agree with Mary Vallely. Thanks to the ACI for taking on this important event. Please do let everyone know where to sign on, what time you are starting and who the speakers are.


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