Amazon: Bishops vote for married priests

Oct 29, 2019 | 1 comment

Pope Francis must now decide on call from Amazonia

On Oct. 26 The synod of bishops meeting in Rome voted to advise the pope to allow the ordination of trusted married men in the Amazon region.

They also voted for the church to protect the Amazon rainforest and its embattled indigenous people.

As a decision to accede to this request has huge implications for the universal church Pope Francis is not expected to respond quickly.

The decision on ordaining married men passed by a vote of 128-41, although the recommendation was that this should happen “in the most remote areas of the Amazon region.”

The bishops also strongly deplored the depredations caused by the greed of the outside world on the habitat and happiness of the Amazonian peoples.

For the full NCR report, by Thomas Reese, click here.

1 Comment

  1. Eddie Finnegan

    So these viri probati, each clearly with his uxor probate will only be allowed to live and serve “in the most remote areas of the Amazon region.” Will these uxores probatae be consulted about their willingness to spend the rest of their lives in the remotest areas?

    Funny, we’ve had former Anglican priests, with wives and families, as Catholic PPs here in Westminster since JPII’s and Basil Hume’s time in the 1990s, since Benedict XVI’s and Vincent Nichols’ time in 2009, and since Francis’s time in 2013-14. Those I know are PPs or Chaplains here in the heart of London, not beyond the Pale or M25 in remotest Essex. Fr Jeremy’s wife is not Catholic, gets on happily with her job as School Principal and, as far as I can judge, isn’t remotely interested in playing the role of a Catholic Vicar’s wife. More power to her!


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