‘catholic conversations’ – Belfast – Thursday 4th Feb 2016

Jan 22, 2016 | 1 comment

catholic conversations_flyer for 4th Feb 2016_FINAL FOR WEBSITE_700

catholic conversations‘ supports reform and renewal in the Catholic Church but allows for other topics to be explored and is open to everyone.

“Dialogue, dialogue, dialogue. It is the only way for individuals, families and societies to grow, the only way for the life of peoples to progress, along with the culture of encounter, a culture in which all have something good to give and all can receive something good in return. Others always have something to give me, if we know how to approach them in a spirit of openness and without prejudice. I call this attitude of openness and availability without prejudice, ‘social humility’, and it is this that favours dialogue. Only in this way can understanding grow between cultures and religions, mutual esteem without needless preconceptions, respectful of the rights of everyone. Today, either we stand together with the culture of dialogue and encounter, or we all loose, we all loose; from here we can take the right road that makes the journey fruitful and secure.” (Pope Francis, July 2015).

For queries or further information please email:-  martinmurray@live.co.uk

1 Comment

  1. Aidan Hart

    This was a local meeting of ACI to which everyone was invited, whether they were members or not. We call it ‘Catholic Conversations’.

    It was very well chaired and resourced by Martin Murray on the topic of Hell and its meaning and relevance today. A digital contribution by Fr. Richard Rohr and a written summary by Martin stimulated much thought and dialogue.

    Everyone had the opportunity to contribute and most, if not everyone, did in a spirit of ‘social humility’.

    The meeting fulfilled its aim of helping lay Catholics update their understanding of theological and scriptural topics. For many Catholics their religious education unfortunately stopped when they left their Catholic school.

    The refreshment break enabled people to get to know each other better.

    All in all, it was a very successful, informed, constructive, friendly and local meeting of ACI.


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