Belfast’s Waterfront Hall to host Innovative Diocesan ‘Congress’

Aug 26, 2013 | 0 comments

The diocese of Down and Connor are to hold an innovative day long ‘Congress’ in the Waterfront Hall in Belfast on Saturday 28th September 2013, taking as its theme ‘Our Church, Our Community, Our Commitment’.   The event has been organised by the diocese’s ‘Living Church’ team.

A highlight of the event is to be the launching of a diocesan pastoral plan.

Speakers and workshop facilitators include, Elizbeth Davies, Breda O’Brien,  Bishop Alan Aberthney (CofI, Connor), Fr Peter McVerry SJ, Jim Deeds and John Colgan.

Workshop themes are:-

Church – Everybody’s Welcome
Co-responsibilty – A Parish Reality

Faith that does Justice
Passing on the Faith
Reconciliation- The Gospel Story and my Story

The day will conclude with a concert headlining the diocese’s very own , internationally acclaimed trio, ‘The Priests’.

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