Easter Drama in Dublin

Apr 11, 2014 | 0 comments

Based on the legend of Veronica, Sean Walsh’s Easter drama ‘Veil’ will be performed by the Clontarf Players on three nights:
Monday 14th April 8pm – St. John’s Church, Clontarf Road
Tuesday 15th April 8pm – St. Anthony’s Church, Clontarf
Wednesday 16th April 8pm – All Hallows Church, Drumcondra
Saint Veronica

Saint Veronica

“Veronica .. Was there such a person? Unlikely. Her very name – True Image – Vera from the Latin, Icon from the Greek – suggests a fiction. …So… I placed her in the context of a family unit in Jerusalem at that time, then began to stir the ingredients!

“Her mother, Ruth, a good living, hard working jewess;  her father, Azarias, a cleric, legalist, member of the Sanhedrin;  her brother, Misach, possessed, who speaks not a coherent word right the way through the drama until the climax;  her suitor, Benjamin, an impulsive young man with leanings towards the Zealots;  and Sadoc, another member of the Sanhedrin who seeks to manipulate Azarias at an opportune moment…

Sean Walsh

Sean Walsh


“Fiction! All fiction! Names culled from the Old Testament!..”

Full details at:



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