Elizabeth Johnson, Theologian, to speak on Evolution in Maynooth

Jan 10, 2015 | 0 comments


Sister Elizabeth Johnson, a Professor of Theology at the Jesuit Fordham university in the US, is to speak in Maynooth on March 12th, 2015  on the theme of her latest book: ‘Ask the Beasts: Darwin and the God of Love ~ Probing the Doctrine of Creation and our Ecological Vocation’.

An earlier book, “Quest for the Living God” was heavily criticised in 2007 by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, but strongly defended by the Catholic Theological Society of America.  This dispute was never finally resolved as the complaining bishops refused to meet with Professor Johnson before declaring that her book “does not accord with authentic Catholic teaching on essential points.”

According to Johnson it never became clear to her what precise points of Catholic teaching she was alleged to have disputed.

Click here for further details of this coming event, hosted by the inter-Christian Eco-Congregation of Ireland.

Click here for the Wikipedia biography of Elizabeth Johnson.

Click here for an account of the genesis of this latest book on Creation and Darwin, on the website of the US National Catholic Reporter.


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