Faith school: Desertmartin PS and Knocknagin PS to make NI history (BBC News)

Jun 16, 2016 | 2 comments

Slieve Gallion, Sperrin Mountains

Slieve Gallion, Sperrin Mountains

The BBC are reporting that two small County Derry primary schools are set to make history by becoming the first jointly-run church school in Northern Ireland.  Desertmartin PS and Knocknagin PS want to merge and be jointly managed by the Catholic Church, Church of Ireland, Methodist and Presbyterian churches.

Visit BBC News to read article


  1. MartinM

    Great news. Why has it taken so long? The first of many I hope.

  2. Mary Vallely

    I heartily endorse Martin’s comment. We have so much more in common than what divides us and it seems such an obvious solution for parents who want integration but who also desire a strong Christian ethos. There are some excellent Integrated schools here, Shimna for example, but they have not been embraced by faith communities nor been encouraged by church authorities. This above seems to be an ideal solution and I wish it well.


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