Helmut Schuller US Speaking Tour – Cleveland July 2013 (YouTube)

Sep 5, 2013 | 0 comments

Video featuring Fr Helmut Schuller, Leader of the Austrian Priest’s Initiative.  Father Schuller speaks about his mission as leader of the progressive Austrian Priest’s Initiative. He discusses his belief in the ordination of women and married priests in the Catholic Church, as well as the acceptance of homosexuals. He says there is a need for systemic change, not just a new face at the top of an old church. The City Club of Cleveland is a non-partisan forum for debate. It is considered the longest continuous independent free speech forum in the US and one of the country’s top three speaking forums.  (Fr Helmut’s address begins at 3mins-20secs)

Source: Published on YouTube 26th July 2013

Watch YouTube Video  (Click to view)




  1. Evangelizing the Institutional Church: An Interview with Helmut Schüller, US Tipping Point Tour [1st Sept] | Association of Catholics in Ireland - […] Watch YouTube Video of Fr Helmut Schuller speaking in Cleveland on Tipping Point Tour July 2013 […]

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