Guardian Sees Synodality as Wind of Change from Below

Jan 10, 2023 | 0 comments

The ‘header’ for the Guardian’s editorial.


An editorial in the Manchester Guardian – one of the world’s leading left-leaning newspapers – has identified the ongoing synodality process as ‘a reform programme with its roots in the laity’ that can  ‘let the winds of change finally blow through a global institution in need of renewal’.

In nearly 600 words the paper’s editorial assesses the state and possible direction of the church in the wake of the passing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI at the start of the year.

The editorial calls the synodal process ‘the biggest consultation of global Catholic opinion ever undertaken by the church’.

“Collated responses from millions of Catholics record a widespread desire for an agenda of “radical inclusion”. This encompasses equality for women within the church, greater focus on the plight of poor and marginalised groups such as migrants, a welcoming approach to LGBTQ Catholics, and an overhaul on church governance in relation to sexual abuse. It is an outline of a progressive Catholicism that can build bridges with secular society, instead of taking pride in keeping a distance in the name of doctrinal purity.”

For the full editorial on the Guardian website, click here.


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