Pope Francis One Year On – How is He Doing?

Feb 23, 2014 | 1 comment

01 Tablet 15 Sep 12 (1)The UK based Catholic Magazine The Tablet have launched an online survey to gauge the feelings of Catholics around the world on Pope Francis’ first year as Pontiff. The survey can be accessed at the link below and takes no longer than five minutes to complete. Share the link with your friends and family far and wide. 

Click to Begin Survey

1 Comment

  1. Mary O Vallely

    Overall this is a more than satisfactory report but there is room for improvement. Recommend more attention to those who suffer as a result of discrimination because of same sex orientation. Pope Francis, please take note. You need to speak out against injustice and advise all your Cardinals to do likewise, particularly with regard to what is happening in Uganda and throughout the African continent. Educate your bishops and please read up on this issue yourself. Also recommend that you show more compassion to survivors of clergy sexual abuse, many of whom are deeply hurt by your seeming neglect of them. Pope Francis, please listen to the voices of the hurt. Overall though, this is a pleasing report after just one year in service and so we thank God for your presence and for God’s presence in you. Well done, sir. 🙂


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