Keeping the Faith by Tony Flannery (2005)

Jul 7, 2013 | 0 comments

T Flannery
‘Either the church once again puts the liberation of humanity at the centre of its message or it will become increasingly marginalised and irrelevant.’

For over thirty years Tony Flannery has devoted his life to preaching the message of Christ as a priest of the Catholic church. Gradually, however, he has become ill at case with the church’s tendency to preserve its institutional well-being rather than proclaim the message.
In this, his latest book, Flannery questions whether the clarity of Christ’s teaching is obscured by a church that has become over-centralised and dogmatic. He suggests that the church has lost its voice in the present age because it is no longer speaking the voice of Christ effectively.

Keeping the Faith poses many questions but also provides suggestions about where the church can go from here. Flannery’s vision is an honest but optimistic one and as such is compelling and essential reading.

Mercier Press  /  2005  /ISBN: 1 85635 484 9

About the Author
Tony Flannery
, C.Ss.R., was born in Attymon, County Galway and has been a Redemptorist priest for
over thirty years. He has a large following as a preacher and retreat master. His previous publications include The Death of Religious Life and From the Inside.



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