Mandatory Celibacy: Time to Discuss Its Flaws [Source: VOTF]

Nov 12, 2013 | 0 comments


“It is not pleasant to call our leaders to account. But the Church institution that seeks to nourish us spiritually is failing in its responsibility, and a primary cause of its failure is the negative aspects of clericalism—a mindset that elevates celibate males to a “ruling caste” status, thus creating an elitist barrier to unity, dividing the faithful in the Body of Christ from those who would minister.”
Edward J. Greenan (Voice of the Faithful USA)

[Read full article ……]

Source:  Voice of the Faithful: Conversations about Celibacy
Click here for: Voice of the Faithful Ireland website 


Additional reading:
Weighing my vocation, I’d have to accept celibacy – unless I was a former Anglican?

Tablet Blogs: 13 November 2013 by Edd Bartlett



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