Minutes of ACI North Wicklow Meeting 20th January 2016

Jan 30, 2016 | 0 comments


Minutes of ACI North Wicklow Meeting 20th January 2016

Following a cup of tea, an opening prayer was said including a prayer for those members and their loved ones who were ill at this time.

Church in 2016

(1) Members brought attention to a number of interesting events planned for 2016 at this stage as follows:


Into Great Love-Exploring Mindfullness and Mysticism at Carmelite Monastery, Delgany 8 Mondays at 7.00pm 25th Jan to 14th March.  Believed to be fully booked.

The Gospel of John at Holy Spirit Oratory, Newcastle 10.00am to 1.00pm 13th, 20th, 27th Feb & 12th March

Week of Guided Prayer at Carmelite Monastery 10th to 16th April


Pope Francis and the future of the family in Ireland. Irish Catholic Conference at Red Cow Hotel, Dublin 22 on Sat 30th January.  Details www.irishcatholic.ie

Opening the Door of Mercy-Council for Pastoral Renewal & Adult Faith Development at Red Cow Hotel on Sat 5th March.  Email pastoralrenewal@iecon.ie


The Role of Church in a Pluralist Society- Loyola Institute, Trinity College, Dublin on 22nd -24th June. International Interdisciplinary Conference.  www.tcd.ie/loyola-institute

(2) Liturgy of the Word and Distribution of Communion in the absence of a priest.

The National Centre for Liturgy has just published a book for various liturgical situations which include a format for a service of the Word and Communion Distribution. It is titled “ It is good for us to be here” and is available from Veritas.

(3) 8th Amendment in Constitution

It can be expected that 2016 will see national discussion of this issue.

(4) Next Meeting

Thursday February 25th at 8.00pm (Note change of day)



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