Minutes of ACI North Wicklow Meeting 24th February 2016

Mar 6, 2016 | 0 comments



Following a cup of tea an opening prayer was said.

What strengthens my Faith?

The theme above was discussed with contributions from all.

Members mentioned a number of practical and helpful events that they had participated in recently including:
Lectio Divina – the “Divine Reading” A traditional Benedictine practice of scriptural reading, meditation and prayer. A series of such sessions are being run by John Harney, clerical student, in the Portacabin during Lent on Thursday evening. In this context it was recalled that the Gospels also are a manifestation of the Real Presence. Mindfulness and Mysticism run during Lent by John Doherty in the Carmelite Monastery, Delgany. The Virtues of the Holy Spirit – knowledge and practice of the virtues supported Faith. It was also said that Faith was strengthened more by the Spirit and the Presence in the Gospel than by the teachings of the Church.

Conference on Pope Francis and the Future of the Church in Ireland

This conference organised by the Irish Catholic Newspaper and the Iona Institute was held on 30th January. The Keynote address was given by Archbishop Eamon Martin on Pope Francis, the Synod and the Future of the Family in Ireland. It is available on the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference website. Other speakers included: Archbishop Charles Brown, Bairbre Cahill, Nuala O’Loan, Breda O’Brien, David Quinn

The Role of the Church in a Pluralist Society

A major international conference is planned by the Loyola Institute June 22nd to June 24th 2016 at Trinity College, Dublin.  See www.LoyolaTCD.com

Next meeting

Next meeting will be at 8.00 p.m. Wednesday 30th March 2016.


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