New Catechetical Model Needs Properly Prepared Liturgy

Sep 29, 2021 | 0 comments

“The Sunday liturgy is frequently not a celebration which inspires, stimulates or supports a critical engagement with faith.”

So insists Giovanna Feeley, catechist, in an article for the Irish Times on September 29th – in advocating a new community-centred model of faith formation that will involve parents also in their local parish church.

“If sacraments are understood as moments of grace, their preparation needs to reflect this. With the reopening of society, the church has the opportunity to reopen its eyes and invest in its Sunday eucharist as “the source and summit of Christian life”, as the Second Vatican Council decreed.”

Giovanna envisions a vibrant, parish centred model of sacramental preparation of children, but argues that this cannot succeed unless our parish liturgies are revitalised by far more careful preparation.

“Liturgy is the church’s shopfront, and until it looks seriously at the quality of its celebrations, how ministerial roles are carried out and how giftedness within the community is recognised and valued, it is unlikely to attract or, indeed, retain its participants.”  

Giovanna’s article is recommended and referenced here, as one of a growing chorus of voices that lament the frequent ‘flatness’ of our liturgies and the inadequacy of our current school-centred model of sacramental preparation of children – and advocate the obvious parish-centred alternative.

For those with access, Giovanna’s complete article can be read by clicking here.

Ireland’s Faith Formation Crisis


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