News from ACI Marianella Meeting 21st Sept 2013

Oct 10, 2013 | 0 comments

An ACI Meeting: (Building on June 1st)
Marianella Centre 01

Thirty people attended a meeting for ACI volunteers in Marianella on Sept 21st 2013 to look at areas of action for ACI they can take a lead on over the coming months.

Building on the ideas generated form at the ACI  launch on June 1st 2013, people broke into 3 groups to address key areas for action.  These fell into three areas

(1)  Change within Church
(2)  Reaching out
(3)  Building strength for the journey (organisational development of ACI)

The Change within the Church group addressed question of the status of women in Church, and also how good practice across parishes might best be shared.
The Reaching out group considered in more detail to whom outreach could be undertaken and what would those reaching out be in a position to offer.

The Strength for the journey group looked at how best individuals could be supported to set up groups at a parish, or regional level. The group consider the example of GAA and how that could be learnt from.  A gathering of ACI members in South Dublin was proposed, as was a day to resource those interested in setting up groups.  Getting set up on Facebook was another task these group undertook.

Revisit for more details of the various actions that will flow from the day.  In the meantime, if you are interested in becoming involved in the planning around any of these areas, please get in touch with and we will put you in contact with the relevant members.

We look forward to planning the next steps together!

The ACI Statement of Objectives  

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