Note to newspaper editors: Change ‘church’ to ‘hierarchy’: Thomas Reese

Nov 26, 2018 | 0 comments

‘It is time to stop using the term “Catholic Church” as a synonym for “Catholic hierarchy.”‘ insists Thomas Reese SJ – renowned columnist for the US National Catholic Reporter.

‘We all do it,’ Reese writes. “The church teaches such and such.” “The church lobbied against gay marriage.” “The church failed to protect children.” “The church is homophobic and sexist.” “The church is authoritarian.” “I hate the church.”

And Reese goes on:

‘I remember in the 1980s taking a tour of the House of Commons in London. The tour guide pointed to a plaque on the wall in honor of a minister “who was killed by the Irish Catholics.” Not the IRA, not the Provos, not the terrorists, but the Irish Catholics.’

‘Today we do the same thing when we say, “Muslims are killing Christians.”‘

‘Saying that the Catholic Church did not protect children is just as wrong. It was the bishops. It was the hierarchy.’

Irish Editors, and ‘Letters editors’, please note!

For Thomas Reese’s complete article click here.


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