OMG! A new catholic online quarterly

Apr 11, 2015 | 0 comments

A group of ordinary-but-imaginative Catholics, have launched a relatively new online quarterly called OMG!

They want to establish a forum that will draw the attention of thoughtful people everywhere and appeal, ultimately, to men and women of good will looking to make a better world. They hope to be a prophetic frontier station in that world, catholic with a small “c.”

Here are some quotes from their ‘About Us’ webpage

” Notice that we are spelling catholic with a small c. This will be a subtle reminder that we do not want official status. Such a sanction would restrict our freedom to produce a continuous forum of ideas for anyone and everyone determined to have life and have it more abundantly. OMG! will provide a medium for those who do not see any particular advantages in describing something as Catholic-art, or Catholic-science, or Catholic-literature. These worlds of art, of science, of literature–of journalism itself–have their own intrinsic rules of excellence.”


“… a kind of prophecy-site, in the Old Testament sense of the word prophecy. We know a few atheists and agnostics, the kind of guys and gals Pope John XXIII and Pope Francis would embrace because they are, ummm, “good people who are trying to make a difference in the world.” We would like to bring them into the pages OMG!–to write for us, and help us connect with their worlds where, we know, other good people gather. Anyone can write prophetically: Moslems, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, even atheists–and Jesuits.


“(Jesus) said he had come “so we might have life and have it more abundantly.” We will put a more secular spin on Jesus’ words, but we will be borrowing that spin from St. Ignatius himself. Ignatius invited us to see ourselves as principal players in a world that was basically good–good because it was redeemed by Christ. This was a call for us to get involved in that world–in its art, its science, its literature, its music, its drama, its economy, its sports–even that sport called politics. When we do this, we are having life, and having it more abundantly. We believe the world is charged with the grandeur of God ” 

is an initative of ACCR (Accelerating Catholic Church Reform)
Visit OMG!



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