Prayers – 13-05-2018

May 13, 2018 | 0 comments


SUNDAY, MAY 13, 2018


In today’s gospel we read the last message from Jesus before he ascended into Heaven – to go out and proclaim the good news to all creation. We pray for the wisdom, the faith and the love of God to be witnesses in today’s unbelieving world to His Holy Word.

.                              We pray to the Lord                       R. Lord hear our prayer


We pray for those in our church who have followed  the invitation of Jesus to proclaim the good news to the world, that they may be true witnesses to His Truth, by word and example.

                                We pray to the Lord                       R. Lord hear our prayer

In his message for today, World Communications Day, Pope Francis asks us to pray: – “Lord, make us instruments of your peace, where there is shouting let us practice listening, where there is hostility let us bring respect, where there is falsehood let us bring truth”.

                                We pray to the Lord                       R. Lord hear our prayer

We pray for those in the media that they will be true to their vocation  and promote and reflect the truth in their work, in print,  on television, radio and social media

                                We pray to the Lord                       R. Lord hear our prayer

Lord, at this time of national debate on the rights of mothers and the unborn, we pray for  an honest, wise and compassionate debate on the sacredness of life.

                                We pray to the Lord                       R. Lord hear our prayer


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