Public Talk Limerick 9th Dec 2015 ‘Climate Change and Laudato Si’

Dec 5, 2015 | 0 comments

Public talk: ‘Climate Change and Laudato Si’
by: Fr. Seán McDonagh
(Columban missionary and eco-theologian)
Venue: Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Lecture Theatre T116
(use Lime Tree entrance.)
Date: Wednesday 9th December 2015
Time: 8pm
Hosted by: ACI Mid-West
Admission: free 
(Donations welcome to defray costs)
All are most welcome

Earlier this year Pope Francis issued an Encyclical Letter entitled ‘Laudato Si’: on Care of our Common Home, i.e. planet earth. In its preparation many theologians and environmental specialists were consulted for their expertise, including Fr Seán McDonagh. His pioneering work on environmental justice stretches back to the 1970s and his has been a tireless and prophetic voice for the environment ever since.

He is the author of several books, including To Care for the Earth, Greening the Christian Millenium, Why are We Deaf to the Cry of the Earth? and The Death of Life: The Horror of Extinction.

This is a crucially significant time for Climate Change and the future of our planet as 147 of the world’s leaders have recently gathered in Paris to commence a Summit Meeting during this fortnight in an urgent effort to reach legally binding agreement on Climate Change.

Fr Seán will offer his insights and analysis of the current situation and the Christian response to it. An opportunity not to be missed by all who share a concern for the environment and our common future.



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