Rewilding Church – Creating Spaces to Nurture Faith: Patricia Higgins, Recorded June 1st ’23

Sep 10, 2023 | 3 comments

Recorded on Thursday, June 1st 2023

Could the image of ‘rewilding’ offer hope to those concerned about adult faith development? In environmental terms rewilding is defined as a process that’s nature-led and human-supported. Would an analogous ‘lay-led’ process of creating spaces to nurture faith be a way forward for faith? Patricia Higgins thinks so. A former management consultant, Patricia has worked in a range of youth ministry roles, and has co-founded a number of faith-based organisations, including ACI, Slí Eile (Irish Jesuit Faith & Justice Initiative for 18-35 year olds) and more recently, the gospel-based faith-sharing group, Still Point. She is an Interfaith Minister, and also a trained Spiritual Accompanier in the Ignatian tradition. She has a passion for working with others to create spaces that help people to connect to themselves, to each other and to God. She is especially interested in working with those who may feel ‘over Church’ but not ‘over God’. Her experience of working with others to create participative, inclusive spaces to explore and discover faith makes her passionate about how these can support people to act for a more just (and joy-filled) world.

Visit Patricia’s website here

About Stillpoint

Stillpoint is a group of people who create spaces several times a year and invite those interested – both young and old-  to come and participate in activities and conversations about faith.  To date, these have taken place to align with significant periods in the Christian calendar, Lent, Easter, Pentecost and Advent.

Many of those involved have previously been involved in various faith formation activities rooted in the Ignatian Spirituality tradition and have trained in faith formation, theology and facilitation.

Learn more about Stillpoint here



  1. Soline Humbert

    I have spread the word. It should resonate with many people.
    I am looking forward to the Wild delights Patricia will be sharing with us.

  2. Ana

    Will the replay be available on your website? Thank you. Ana

    • soconaill

      The recording has needed some editing but will be linked here shortly.


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