Programme for ACI Launch on Saturday June 1st

May 27, 2013 | 1 comment

Schedule for ACI Launch on Saturday June 1st.

The Open Space will be facilitated by an independent facilitator, who will introduce the process. Attendees will be invited to participate, interact and be part of  a number of workshops on the theme of the laity in the future of the Church. 

10:00 Event Registration (for those who have not already registered online)
Tea and Coffee on arrival

10:45 Welcome and Outline of the Programme

10:50 Report from Steering Group
Introduction to Website

11:00 Feedback and Clarifications on Report from the Floor

11:15 ACI Launch Ceremony

11:30 Briefing on Steering Group Elections
(click here for info on steering group election process)

11:40 Open Space and Introduction to Workshops

12:40 Lunch and Completion of Election Process

1:45 Workshops

2:45 Plenary Session

3:45 Conclusion and Announcement of Election Results


1 Comment

  1. gerrymoore

    I look forward to your report on the doings at the Launch. Sending out the attendees with a sense of mission is important. I wish I could be there myself, but I’ll thinking about the ACI and looking forward to any opportunity to contribute to the association’s work.
    Gerry Moore
    Rockville, MD, USA


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