“Taking a Chance on God”

May 11, 2015 | 1 comment

Film about the life of former Jesuit Fr John McNeill: 

“Taking a Chance on God”
Fr John McNeill_250
(55 minutes) with an introduction by the film’s Director, Irishman Brendan Fay.  John McNeill was a Jesuit Priest from 1959 to 1987 when he was forced to leave when he came out as an openly gay priest. Followed by Q & A and discussion after the film.

Date:                     Monday, 11th of May 2015
Venue:                 Arrupe Room, Jesuit Conference Centre, Milltown Park, Sandford Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6
Time:                    7.30pm to 9.30pm 

Click here for:      Link to You Tube trailer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeA7jZzk3aM)
Click here for:      Link to website about this film  (http://www.takingachanceongod.com/)

This meeting is open to all WAC Ireland members and anyone interested in learning more about WAC Ireland. There is no charge, but there will be a collection held.


1 Comment

  1. Soline Humbert

    JOHN McNEILL,is a truly prophetic figure: John McNeill was an American Jesuit Priest from 1959 to 1987 when he was forced to leave when he came out as an openly gay priest. His book “the Church and the homosexual” was a pioneering theological book on the subject.
    One year after the publication of The Church and the Homosexual, McNeill received an order from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in the Vatican, ordering him to silence in the public media. He observed the silence for nine years while continuing a private ministry to gays and lesbians which included psychotherapy, workshops, lectures and retreats. In 1988, he received a further order from Cardinal Ratzinger directing him to give up all ministry to gay persons which he refused to do in conscience. As a result, he was expelled by the Vatican from the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) for challenging the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church on the issue of homosexuality, and for refusing to give up his ministry and psychotherapy practice to gay men and lesbians. McNeill had been a Jesuit for nearly 40 years. John McNeill has been devoting his life to spreading the good news of God’s love for lesbian and gay Christians.


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