The pontificate might be stuck in the mud

May 9, 2016 | 0 comments

by Robert Mickens (National Catholic Reporter, May 2016)
Robert Mickens

“A reformed Synod of Bishops, similar to ecumenical councils, must be invested with decision-making authority…….”

“Such a synod would have to be called into session more frequently and include consultations with all its members (all bishops and not just their delegates at periodic assemblies), which can easily be facilitated by today’s advanced means of communication………..”

“The theological foundations for introducing authentic synodal governance within the structure of the Roman church are already well established, dating back to the earliest centuries. And it would finally give life to one of the stillborn offspring of the Second Vatican Council — episcopal collegiality………….”

“Making the synod a constitutive part of the Bishop of Rome’s ministry will also lead to a new and reduced role for the Roman Curia, which would be subjugated to the pope’s synod. Indeed this may be the only way that Francis can bring about a real reform of the Curia, which has eluded every one of his predecessors since this bureaucracy’s genesis somewhere around the 15th century…………..”

“If Francis does nothing to make such structural and juridical changes, it is not inconceivable that when the overwhelmingly conservative College of Cardinals elects his successor — and most likely in the not too distant future — the new pope would reverse the movement for reform that’s currently underway.”

“………….. they’d have to tear down the walls of our churches to prevent people from crushing each other in the mass exodus that might cause.”

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